Online Case Management System

We offer our clients access to our online case management system. Any client can login to our client portal to gain near real-time developments in your assignment. We understand that it is important to provide clients with developed and collected information as soon as possible. Our investigations are updated by our operatives in the field to provide you with the most up-to-date information available. This connection is available to you with any secured internet connection, whether at home, on the road, or at the office.

We believe that this system is very beneficial so that you can convey the status of your cases or claims immediately to a supervisor, or a round-table discussion, and will assist you in making faster settlement decisions on your files. We understand that deadlines are a very real aspect of your work, and being able to make educated decisions in a timely manner are vital.

You no longer have to send an email to your investigative agency requesting an update on your file, only to wait hours, sometimes days, to get a response. You can have the answers at your fingertips.

The system empowers you with instant access to surveillance videos, recorded and/or written interviews, scanned documents, and all other collected evidence to your case. You can initiate a new assignment, email a question or concern, download videos, photos, documents...etc. You will also receive email updates, with links, to any evidence collected in your assignment.

To request access to the system or assign your first request to us, please click here.